This event is for opening the door to veterans who would not otherwise qualify for health and financial benefits to get what they deserve! Their Dignity! And, being able to live a quality life and be compensated for the sacrifices they made to preserve our freedoms!

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Yendis Entertainment has developed “The Miracles for Heroes” concerts and non-profit organization that seeks to support all veterans and enlisted service men and woman, in a way to transition from being our protectors, to being successful, healthy and recognized for their selflessness and dedication to our Country and causes.

By coming together, and celebrating with, and for them, we are producing concerts that will give them resources needed to live and have the necessary tools for all aspects of their lives. Combined with enjoyment, entertainment and honor these outreach concerts are embracing, supporting and uplifting for thousands of our Veterans and enlisted men and women across America.

Please be a part of our Support and Incitive to helping those that sacrificed it all.

Antonio Molina recipient of the Pact Act